Friday, November 7, 2008

Legal Americans Do Not Want No Stanking AMNESTY Mr. Obama! Illegal Aliens ARE CRIMINALS

Sharing this article from over on Washington Scandal, and encouraging every American Citizen, and every Legal Immigrant to contact President Elect Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi, telling them we do not want Illegal Alien Criminals given a pathway to citizenship, do not want Illegal Aliens given AMNESTY. 1.2 Million Americans have lost their jobs, yet American companies are demanding more and more world citizens be granted H1 and other visa's to travel here, to steal your jobs. Demand a Moratorium ON ALL IMMIGRATION until this crisis has passed, and every American Citizen wanting a job is gainfully employed AT A LIVING WAGE! Simply stated, Obama needs to hear our voices loud and clear...his signing into law a pathway to citizenship for 25 million illegal alien criminals IS TREASON.

Friday, November 7, 2008

With 240,000 More Americans Out of Work, Obama Wants to Give Illegal Aliens AMNESTY?

Today the October Unemployment numbers came out, and another 240,000 Americans have been given their pink sheets as the unemployment rate hit its highest point since March of 1994. Over 1.2 million Americans have lost their jobs this year, yet Obama and Pelosi want to PUSH THROUGH AMNESTY FOR 25 MILLION ILLEGAL ALIENS. Sorry, but a pathway to citizenship, amnesty for illegal aliens is not good for America, and a disaster for America's lower and middle class CITIZENS and LEGAL IMMIGRANTS. The time has come to implement a comprehensive Deportation Plan similiar to Dwight D. Eisenhowser's "Operation Wetback", time to restore America to a nation of laws, time to make American Citizenship an honor, rather than something easily stolen by those willing to ignore our laws and our borders.

On November 15th Washington, DC is holding a world summit on this failing economy, and oddly President Elect Barack Obama has opted to sit on the sidelines, meet behind closed doors with Pro-Illegal Alien lackeys to map out his plan to provide a pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens. He wants to wash away their criminal actions, wants to let them keep their jobs which they stole from American Citizens...that must not be allowed to happen, the time has come for America's lower and middle class too raise our voice in outrage, time for us to demand redress, time for us to demand the deportation of those here illegally. Time for us as LEGAL CITIZENS to demand the arrest of those who have and continue to hire illegal aliens, time for us to demand that our government arrest those, such as the Catholic Church who have been aiding and abetting illegal aliens in breaking our laws, in stealing the jobs of legal Americans. Where are the working man and woman's Union in calling for marches and protests? Where is FAIR and ALIPAC in organizing marches on our nation's capital? Illegal Aliens have been allowed to push and bully us for far too long, and the time has come TO PUSH BACK.

Barack Obama is already planning on abandoning every promise he has made to America's Middle and Lower Classes, rolling back promised tax cuts for us, putting Universal Health Care on hold, postponing or cancelling plans to help Americans afford college tuition, while at the same time wanting to PUSH THROUGH CONGRESS the Dream Act which would make college AFFORDABLE FOR ILLEGAL would be TREASON for him to stab America's lower and middle class in the back by granting AMNESTY, GRANTING CITIZENSHIP too 25 Million illegal alien criminal, would be a crime against humanity for this Democratic President and his Democratic Congress to give illegal aliens cheap access to our colleges while America families tell their children, "We are so sorry, but we cannot afford to send you to college."

We have seen the enemy, and the enemy is illegal aliens, and any government agency or politician that supports them in this OUR TIME OF NEED. I encourage every one reading this who is a legal citizen or legal immigrant to call, write and email your elected officials...demand that they ENFORCE our IMIGRATION LAWS as WRITTEN, demand they deport those here in American Illegally. Demand that they PUNISH those who hire or house illegal aliens...we want MORE RAIDS, not less, and we do not want congress creating a pathway to citizenship for criminals, and make no mistake, illegal aliens are criminals.

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